Apple Releases Firmware Update For AirPods Pro
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Previously introduced features weren't included, such as improved noise cancellation and voice recognition. Last but not least, the case's charging is now activated using an app, once again taking some functionality out of Apple's hands. AirPods Pro 3.5.1 firmware seems to offer little new besides the upgrade to your device's current version.
To check the firmware version of your AirPods Pro, open the Settings app and tap General then, located on the bottom of AirPods Pro there is a “Firmware Version” button. Click on this and you should see your AirPods Pro version. From here, you can download the latest update.
If you own the AirPods Pro 3.5.1 firmware, you can download the update by opening the Settings app, tap General and in the bottom, tap on Updates and then make sure you have AirPods Pro enabled.
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