Breathe All That Jazz Deluxe Rar PORTABLE
Breathe All That Jazz Deluxe Rar :::
It was great. It was an incredible experience. I played a lot of jazz in that band but I also played a lot of rock & roll. The experience was incredible, being in a band with those guys. I have to say, Jerry [Besmer] was the best songwriter that I ever played with. Always looking for the best way to phrase a lyric, and I remember Bob playing a lot of Nick Lowe, which was very cool. All three of us were having a lot of fun and if you are that long with somebody, by the time you get out, you don't usually care that much anymore about what you did together. We were all having a blast.
JS: The End of the Night is my farewell record. It's the last record I did with The Life and Times and Songs For Bob Dylan. Like I said, Cwolinsky he had written the tunes and I had written the lyrics. I had written a bunch of them and we had decided to get together in his house and try to come up with a record. I was working with this singer named Steve Switzer at the time, and he sang on the project. We did a few things with The Life and Times and then I recorded with Songs For Bob Dylan and The End of the Night. I thought I was done with jazz. I thought I was finally done with jazz. I was ready to move on to something else.
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