Eu4 Best Government Type
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If you're not careful with your starting positions, you could find that you're on the wrong end of the map. If you're a Spanish frontier, you'll be in trouble. If you're a coastal power and have no provinces in the mid-Atlantic, forget about it. You might find yourself with your entire navy tied down in the Mediterranean (your best chance to get out is to form another government, but I don't think you want to risk that).
The Orkney Islands are formed in 1510 by Scotland. This is unique in that it unifies the Orkney Islands with Scotland, rather than forming a new nation. The Orkney Islands get all the trade bonuses of Scotland, at the cost of losing the ability to form a new government. The Orkney Islands can also't declare war on anyone, which helps if you're not having any luck with your local neighbors. If you can hold on to Scotland, the Orkneys may be your best bet.
It takes a long time to annex Greece. You'll need a big army to take it by the scruff of the neck, and a big navy to defend it. The Ottoman Empire has a unique, interesting government that I won't spoil, but the message is this: Don't bring yourself to the point of losing the game. Some players have been able to annex Greece without even losing their biggest colony, but for most of the game, it just isn't worth it. And more than that, it takes so long!
There are lots of ways to improve your military, but top-performing nations will equip the cavalry and infantry with the strongest musketry in their land, while the vassals will use the weakest muskets. It's best to go with an economy of scale, and focus on building multiple types of musket to suit the nation's needs. Thus a coastal nation with powerful muskets will have a successful navy and a powerful army, while a nearby city-state with no muskets at all will have a flat military, but a rich economy.
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