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The Caddo Parish, Louisiana, stormwater system was completed in 2017, and will provide over 300 million gallons of captured rainwater per year to recharge. Can a stormwater project provide rainwater to a broader community? YES. A 3 page proposal whose objective is to leverage this stormwater to the entire community:1.A major rain barrel storage tank is located on Floyd Road adjacent to the Parish Offices. A local contractor, a non-governmental organization (NGO) and the Parish entered into a "memorandum of understanding" and formed this Joint Venture, to construct said rain tank.2. The Joint Venture will, as a separate entity from the individual parish government, financially and technically examined, procure a pump, filter, pipes, and other equipment to allow this rainwater to be used.3. The Joint Venture will then submit a request to the Parish for permission to issue bonds to construct said rain barrel.4. Upon approval by the bond authority, the funds would then be set aside for the new project.5. When construction is completed, the parish would then purchase the rain barrel and the Joint Venture would begin making payments to the contractor who would construct the rain barrel. Such a course of action would eliminate the need for the Parish to borrow or issue their own bonds and proceed with construction.The Joint Venture would be required to submit estimates for completion, as well as annual reports to the Parish.6. Because of the scale of the effort, the Joint Venture would also be responsible for providing financial oversight and management, financial planning, and capital improvements to the rain barrel, through a resolution to the Parish.7. The Parish will bill the Joint Venture for the cost of a construction permit, where the Joint Venture will be billed for the cost of permits and materials.8. The Joint Venture would then be reimbursed for construction, interest, and financing.The Joint Venture must have a sustainable business plan, and no more than 15 percent of the award can be paid in cash over 5 years. d2c66b5586