[Howto] Key Bindings In shells
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The attacker must use another machine to initiate the attack. So, the attacker opens an SSH session to the vulnerable server, using an SSH client on his machine. At this point, the attacker has two choices:
Type a command and see the response. If the command is able to exploit the vulnerability, then it will try to return a shell to the attacker. The attacker would like to identify that the command is able to exploit the vulnerability and that he can get a shell. That`s when he will use socat.
Simply copy and paste a command in the SSH session, since he has a shell already.
Imagine a scenario where there is a server, running a web service, which is vulnerable to an arbitrary command execution vulnerability. An attacker discovers the vulnerability and decides to exploit it. The attacker wants to send a command to the vulnerable server and get a shell.
When a connection is successfully matched, socat will fork and start a new process that is connected to the socket in the UNIX-SOCK flag. The socat`s process will wait for the connection to be closed, and it will print the contents of the socket`s file. The contents will be a shell command, such as:
By default, tmux will fail to create a default profile when run with a non-login shell, and instead it will run the shell as-is without any profile. I'd argue that this is a bad idea because it will confuse the shell and not allow for useful features like working directory detection. By setting Tmux.default-command-hook in your ~/.tmux.conf file, you can change this behavior to create a default tmux profile. In the above example, you'd add the line Tmux.default-command-hook = to create a profile with a tmux new-session -d command.
I hate to say it but...I strongly believe that these changes will improve your shell experience, and I encourage you to try them out. Don't be afraid to experiment and make changes that might break something! If you're still unsure, just check the man page for the tool you want to change (e.g. man bash or man git).
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One of the drawbacks to this approach was that we needed to recompile every time we made even a small change to the code. This slowed everything else we were doing down and because we couldn't always have someone waiting for the application to finish building. 827ec27edc