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Studio One combines the best of traditional scoring and modern sequencing. You get advanced notation features from our award-winning Notion notation software. Sound Variations make it easy to manage and control articulations in complex virtual instruments and orchestral libraries.
With Microsoft Remote Desktop clients, you can connect to Remote Desktop Services from Windows Server and remote PCs, and use and control desktops and apps that your admin has made available to you. There are clients available for many different types of devices on different platforms and form factors, such as desktops and laptops, tablets, smartphones, and through a web browser. Using your web browser on desktops and laptops, you can connect without having to download and install any software.
The R1 Remote control software presents a d&b system graphically, channel by channel, loudspeaker by loudspeaker, group by group, with faders and buttons arranged just as required. Dials and displays control equalization, delay, levels, switchable filter functions, Mute and power. Even an offline mode is available for advance preparation.
R1 reads a file created by the d&b ArrayCalc simulation software to generate a project specific user interface. With this virtually defined and optimized system design, detailing the complete loudspeaker and amplifier configuration, R1 depicts everything to be controlled and monitored and transfers the settings to the d&b amplifiers.
The R1 Remote control software is the virtual centre of any d&b Remote network, be it from a laptop in the control room, mix position or somewhere in the auditorium. Its intuitive user interface ensures efficient planning, unlocking the full potential of the d&b system approach.
The R1 Remote control software provides a flexible workplace for the d&b user. All features, functions and controls are accessible via the front panel of d&b amplifiers, which can be remotely controlled and/or monitored using R1 Remote control software. It allows each channel of the amplifier to be controlled and enables the creation of groups of loudspeakers. When grouped together, a button or fader can control the overall system level, zone level, equalization and delay, system power ON/OFF, MUTE as well as loudspeaker specific function switches, such as CUT/HFA/HFC, CPL and ArrayProcessing. An offline mode is provided for preparation in advance of an event, without the need for amplifiers being present or connected.
The Home view provides an overview of all views in R1 and access to all user defined remote views. The home button featured on each view returns directly to the Home view. The open views toolbar offers quick navigation to any open view.Each user definable Remote view can be populated with control functions of the system and can be optimized for different screen resolutions, either for large monitors or for smaller tablet devices.
The R1 Remote control software provides enhanced equalization functionalities for the d&b amplifiers, via an easy to use and efficient user interface. R1 accesses the 4-band equalizer in both channels of the D6 and D12 amplifiers, or the two 16-band equalizers in each of the four channels of the D20 and D80 amplifiers. The system technician can use one D20/D80 16-band equalizer, lock it, and offer the second EQ to the visiting sound engineer for artistic adjustments. The R1 software enables an instant A/B comparison of these two different equalizer curves. The D6 and D12 equalizer includes parametric and notch filters types, while the D20 and D80 equalizers also incorporate shelving and asymmetric filters. All filters available in the d&b amplifiers can be manipulated in R1 for fine adjustment; simple and intuitive control, via touchscreen or mouse and keyboard.
Version control, also known as source control, is the practice of tracking and managing changes to software code. Version control systems are software tools that help software teams manage changes to source code over time. As development environments have accelerated, version control systems help software teams work faster and smarter. They are especially useful for DevOps teams since they help them to reduce development time and increase successful deployments.
Version control software keeps track of every modification to the code in a special kind of database. If a mistake is made, developers can turn back the clock and compare earlier versions of the code to help fix the mistake while minimizing disruption to all team members.
For almost all software projects, the source code is like the crown jewels - a precious asset whose value must be protected. For most software teams, the source code is a repository of the invaluable knowledge and understanding about the problem domain that the developers have collected and refined through careful effort. Version control protects source code from both catastrophe and the casual degradation of human error and unintended consequences.
Version control helps teams solve these kinds of problems, tracking every individual change by each contributor and helping prevent concurrent work from conflicting. Changes made in one part of the software can be incompatible with those made by another developer working at the same time. This problem should be discovered and solved in an orderly manner without blocking the work of the rest of the team. Further, in all software development, any change can introduce new bugs on its own and new software can't be trusted until it's tested. So testing and development proceed together until a new version is ready.
Good version control software supports a developer's preferred workflow without imposing one particular way of working. Ideally it also works on any platform, rather than dictate what operating system or tool chain developers must use. Great version control systems facilitate a smooth and continuous flow of changes to the code rather than the frustrating and clumsy mechanism of file locking - giving the green light to one developer at the expense of blocking the progress of others.
Software teams that do not use any form of version control often run into problems like not knowing which changes that have been made are available to users or the creation of incompatible changes between two unrelated pieces of work that must then be painstakingly untangled and reworked. If you're a developer who has never used version control you may have added versions to your files, perhaps with suffixes like \"final\" or \"latest\" and then had to later deal with a new final version. Perhaps you've commented out code blocks because you want to disable certain functionality without deleting the code, fearing that there may be a use for it later. Version control is a way out of these problems.
Version control software is an essential part of the every-day of the modern software team's professional practices. Individual software developers who are accustomed to working with a capable version control system in their teams typically recognize the incredible value version control also gives them even on small solo projects. Once accustomed to the powerful benefits of version control systems, many developers wouldn't consider working without it even for non-software projects.
Using version control software is a best practice for high performing software and DevOps teams. Version control also helps developers move faster and allows software teams to preserve efficiency and agility as the team scales to include more developers.
A complete long-term change history of every file. This means every change made by many individuals over the years. Changes include the creation and deletion of files as well as edits to their contents. Different VCS tools differ on how well they handle renaming and moving of files. This history should also include the author, date and written notes on the purpose of each change. Having the complete history enables going back to previous versions to help in root cause analysis for bugs and it is crucial when needing to fix problems in older versions of software. If the software is being actively worked on, almost everything can be considered an \"older version\" of the software.
Traceability. Being able to trace each change made to the software and connect it to project management and bug tracking software such as Jira, and being able to annotate each change with a message describing the purpose and intent of the change can help not only with root cause analysis and other forensics. Having the annotated history of the code at your fingertips when you are reading the code, trying to understand what it is doing and why it is so designed can enable developers to make correct and harmonious changes that are in accord with the intended long-term design of the system. This can be especially important for working effectively with legacy code and is crucial in enabling developers to estimate future work with any accuracy.
While it is possible to develop software without using any version control, doing so subjects the project to a huge risk that no professional team would be advised to accept. So the question is not whether to use version control but which version control system to use.
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Highlights: Multi VNC Viewer TightVNC: Home News Download Now! Change Log Report Bugs F.A.Q. Licensing / SDK: Products & SDKs .NET Viewer SDK Server for Windows Server for Unix/Linux Server for macOS Information: Documentation Mailing Lists Privacy Policy Historical Products: TightVNC v1.3 (old) TightVNC Java Viewer RFB Player (Java) Tight Decoder (src) VNC Reflector (Unix) Feedback: Contact Us What is TightVNC TightVNC is a free remote desktop application. With TightVNC, you can see the desktop of a remote machine and control it with your local mouse and keyboard, just like you would do it sitting in the front of that computer. 153554b96e