Tai Lopez - 67 Bonuses
Download File - https://ssurll.com/2tfXzb
I understand that my purchase is covered by Tai's 60 day money-back guarantee. I understand that to request a refund I just have to email Tai at his personal email address (support@tailopez.com), or call us at 800-604-2587.
ATTENTION: This website is owned by an official affiliate partner, and all sales through this website via affiliate links will apply a commission to be payable to David J Woodbury with no extra cost to you. Thanks for the support and if you have any questions about the programs herein please message me at contact@bestoftailopez.com
The program used to cost $67 per month but it now appears to have gone down to just $5 if you join via Tailopez.com (You may still pay $67 if you join via other links. For example, the link in the video description on YouTube still charges $67). Remember, that this is a monthly membership fee. 153554b96e