The Twelve Wild Swans: A Journey To The Realm Of Magic, Healing, And Action Starhawk _VERIFIED_
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Continuing the lessons and deepening the knowledge first set out in the bestseller The Spiral Dance, here is the first guide that works for both basic and advanced magical training. Authors Starhawk and Hilary Valentine transform a fairy tale about twelve wild swans into a set of instructions for an initiatory journey into the world of Witchcraft, providing a remarkable roadmap describing three distinct paths into magic, healing, and action.
Author Starhawk offers a revelatory transformation of a 12th century fable about the consequences of nefarious meddling by a sorcerer who enters the bodies of twelve wild swans leading to the initiation of a magical quest. The magical journey shares traits with the quests of the past: star journeys, garden loam, wild sex and marriage, the power of the triple goddess, magic and herbalism, and shamanic psychologized patterns.
Starhawk, a principal member of the feminist astrological and magical community, draws on fairy tale, myth, and folktale tropes to carve a doorway into the inner world of magical initiatory learning. Her unique integration of female power, creativity, and sexuality as the power of the inner feminine use in shamanic, magical, and healing experiences is key to the transformation process that leads to knowing one's true self.
“Together those of us who have begun the journey know how much we have to learn. But learning is not the same thing as getting it all. I trust you will be on the path and in the Circle with us as we travel deeper than we have before. My husband Starhawk and I look forward to joining you as the challenges begin.” - H. Valentine d2c66b5586