Wind Loads For Petrochemical And Other Industrial Facilities 'LINK'
Dr. Bailey is a licensed Professional Engineer in 12 states and a Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers. For 40 years, Dr. Bailey has served as a technical consultant, project manager, and researcher for private industry, universities, and government. As a Senior Managing Engineer in Exponent's Building & Structures practice, he brings specialized expertise to areas related to civil and structural engineering, wind engineering, and construction materials.Dr. Bailey has investigated performance problems for wood, metal, glass, and concrete components of various types of structures from large concrete domes, wind turbines, and heavy-duty pavements to roof drainage systems, drilling rigs, and solar panel trackers. He addresses problems associated with design, construction materials, means and methods of construction, construction failures, application of codes and standards, repair methodology, and cost of repairs. He has conducted in-depth reviews of civil, architectural, and structural drawings; engineering calculations; and the Standard of Care of the Engineer of Record.Dr. Bailey has conducted hundreds of on-site surveys investigating numerous building envelope and roofing systems for damage caused by hail, wind, flood, and construction errors. He has documented storm damage to residential properties, and to health, industrial, educational, and offshore energy facilities in the aftermath of numerous storm event from hurricanes Irene in 1999 to Laura in 2020, the Oklahoma City Tornado (1999), and the April-May 2011 Tornado Outbreak. He has extensive expertise in determining the risk exposure of commercial and industrial properties, ranging from hospitals to wind farms, to hazards associated with convective storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, and flooding.
Dr. Bailey's past work at ExxonMobil included wind load and structural analyses of drilling, semi-submersible, and floating, production, storage, and offloading (FPSO) structures; development of well completion and workover programs for domestic and overseas affiliates; and conducting research and teaching classes on well completions and cementing.Dr. Bailey has served as a lecturer in the private sector and at the university level on subject areas related to civil, structural, wind, and petroleum engineering. He also has been responsible for the design of test facilities and the development of test programs related to construction and energy. Dr. Bailey is the past Presiding Officer of a five member expert panel that developed a methodology for assigning losses to a TWIA-insured property caused by wind and wave which was subsequently adopted by the Texas Department of Insurance in March 2017. He is also a past member of the ASCE 7-16 Wind Load Subcommittee; past Chair of the ASCE Petrochemical Wind Load Task Committee; and served on an API 4F sub-committee assigned to revise specifications and guidelines for determining wind loads on drilling structures. He currently serves as Vice-chair of the Executive Committee of the ASCE Energy Division.
Bailey, JR. Investigation of component failures at a solar farm located in South Texas following Hurricane Hanna. Report prepared for developer and operator of facility. April 2021.Bailey, JR. Investigation of a turbine collapse at a wind farm located in West Texas. Report prepared for a major U.S.-based property loss insurer. March 2021.Bailey, JR. Investigation of component failures at several properties owned by Linn County, Iowa, following the August 2020 Midwest Derecho. Report prepared for a major U.S.-based property loss insurer. December 2020.Bailey JR, et al. Wind loads for petrochemical and other industrial facilities. American Society of Civil Engineers, 3rd Edition. September 2019.Bailey, JR. Hurricane risk assessments of wind farms located in Southeast Texas operated by EoN Climate and Renewable. Reports prepared for a major U.S.-based property loss control provider. April 2019.
Yes, MecaStack handles this calculation easily. The flexible gust factor can be involved and for most realistic stack/chimney arrangements the rule of thumb presented is probably not going to be accurate. The easier way to do this stack would be with MecaStack, which would calculate the natural frequency and wind loads. Here are the wind calculations produced by MecaStack for this same example, and here is a copy of the input file which can be opened if you have a license to MecaStack.
Beginning in fiscal 2023, this new program will investigate all reported emissions in the state. This centralized approach will improve investigative consistency across all regions and industrial sectors and allow for greater efficiency by having staff dedicated to a specific type of investigation. The teams within the section will be divided into specific industry sectors including petrochemical (examples: chemical plants, refineries), oil and gas, and other sources (example: carbon black). The centralized section will also help ensure that there is clear guidance for evaluating affirmative defense claims and an agency-wide approach to provide transparent and consistent evaluations.
When necessary, TCEQ also conducts health-effects research on particular chemicals with limited or conflicting information. In fiscal 2020 and 2021, TCEQ and its contractors completed specific work evaluating associations between particulate matter less than 2.5 micrometers (PM2.5) and adverse health effects, as well as research to understand health risks in communities with neighboring industrial facilities, such as refineries. This work can inform the review and assessment of state and federal air quality regulations, and the health risks to humans from exposure to air, water, or soil samples collected during investigations and remediation. It can also aid in communicating health risks to the public.
TCEQ has three general permits for stormwater based on the source of the stormwater: industrial facilities, construction activities, and municipal entities. The multi-sector general permit regulates stormwater discharges from industrial facilities. The construction general permit regulates stormwater runoff associated with construction activities. The municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) general permit authorizes 515 entities.
TCEQ reviews and approves plans, evaluates complex analytical data, and writes new and modified industrial and hazardous waste (IHW) permits and registrations. Texas has 170 permitted IHW treatment, storage, and disposal facilities, and 17 coal combustion residual disposal facilities.
Organizations as diverse as the American Chemistry Council and the National Association of Manufacturers have taken note. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce tallies as much as $90 billion of new or expanded facilities planned for the petrochemical industry along the Upper Texas Gulf Coast to New Orleans. Reshoring initiatives by manufacturers are drawing construction and jobs back to both the U.S. and Mexico, notes Greg Haas of Stratas Advisors, a Hart Energy company.
Some of these system transformation challenges mainly relate to TSOs, such as in Germany, where additional power lines are being installed to bring power from huge offshore and onshore wind farms in the North to the large industrial hubs (steel, chemicals) in the South.
Over the last decade, the sector has been challenged by increasingly stringent regulations covering industrial operations and fuel quality. Changes in the quality of available feedstock has also been an issue, as has increasing competition from new energy and feedstock providers, which has led to the loss of some small-scale, low-conversion, and poor-quality refining capacity. With margins historically volatile and highly affected by small changes in worldwide supply and demand balance, new refineries that can produce an even greater percentage of petrochemicals (over 60%) will further increase the challenges for small-scale and poorly configured facilities.
All this means that traditional downstream players must set a realistic time frame for making the investments necessary to improve their asset base and for creating an optimal mix of low-carbon fuels and other petrochemical products.
Energy transition in other sectors directly impacts the metals and mining sector. So, while traditional products like steel, non-ferrous metals, and non-metal minerals will remain the focus of the metals and mining sector, a wider movement to a low-carbon economy means there is a growing demand for copper, nickel, lithium, cobalt, and platinum, the materials that are critical to the manufacture of batteries, EVs, and solar and wind generation equipment.
Besides RFI funding and hydrogen certification schemes, yet another tool that can accelerate the deployment of hydrogen supply facilities are CFDs, which were employed previously with wind farms. In Germany, this instrument is being discussed in conjunction with the concept of a market maker (MM), an entity that tenders long-term supply contracts on one side and demand contracts on the other. CFDs will then be used to compensate for the difference between the two to help fast-track the creation of a global green hydrogen market.
Another important condition for successful deployment of hydrogen is the reliability of supply (i.e., the ability to provide continuous, uninterrupted supply to customers). Many industries, like chemicals, petrochemicals, and steel, have a constant demand for a continuous and uninterrupted supply of hydrogen. To ensure a continuous supply, it may be necessary to have a configuration of both electrolyzers and existing steam methane reformers, producing both green and blue hydrogen, or to develop and utilize storage facilities.
However, if they are to ensure the long-term viability of large production facilities, green hydrogen producers will need significant and ongoing contracts from large off-takers in chemicals, petrochemicals, and steel. 153554b96e