키워드 - 모험, 확장, 사교, 자연, 팔방미인
Keywords - adventure, expansion, sociability, nature, all-around beauty
초록색과 노란색의 조합을 선택한 어린이들은 무척이나 놀기좋아하고 밝고 명랑하며 모험을 좋아하는 아이입니다. 이들은 말괄량이 삐삐나 톰소여모험의 주인공처럼 자연속에서 뛰어놀아야 할 아이분들입니다.이들은 많은 친구들에 둘러쌓여 있으며 이들과 함께 멋진 모험을 떠날 때 행복감을 느낍니다. 아이들과 바깥놀이를 많이하세요. 이럴때 꼭 필요한 것이 놀이터이며 자연이며 아이들을 지도해야할 놀이선생님들입니다. 만일 아파트안에만 쳐박혀있으면 폭발해버릴 지도 몰라용~
Children who choose the combination of green and yellow are very playful, bright, cheerful and adventurous. These are children who need to run around in nature, just like Pippi the tomboy or the protagonists in Tom Sawyer's adventures. They like to be surrounded by many friends and feel happiest when they are going on wonderful adventures with them. These children need to play a lot outside and enjoy the company of a large group of friends. They need a playground, nature, or ballfield and are best guided by teachers or coaches while exploring the outdoors. Be careful not keep these children indoors too long because they just might explode!
Their abilities are intelligence and sociability, and when used well, new frontiers and expansive possibilities are possible. Success Tips - Freedom, Adventure.
Children who choose the combination of green and yellow are very playful, bright, cheerful and adventurous. These are children who need to run around in nature, just like Pippi the tomboy or the protagonists in Tom Sawyer's adventures. They like to be surrounded by many friends and feel happiest when they are going on wonderful adventures with them. These children need to play a lot outside and enjoy the company of a large group of friends. They need a playground, nature, or ballfield and are best guided by teachers or coaches while exploring the outdoors. Be careful not keep these children indoors too long because they just might explode!
Their abilities are intelligence and sociability, and when used well, new frontiers and expansive possibilities are possible. Success Tips - Freedom, Adventure.
이들의 능력은 정보력과 사교능력입니다.이 능력을 잘 활용하면 새로운 개척과 넓은 확장이 가능합니다. 성공TIP - 자유로움, 모험
모험심 가득한 어린아이와 같은 마음으로 살아갑니다.
I live with the heart of a child full of adventure.
자연을 좋아하며...
I like nature...
탐험과 모험을 사랑하며....
I love exploration and adventure...
자유와 평화를 꿈꿉니다.
I dream of freedom and peace.
어울리는 일 / 여행가이드
여행가이드, 맛집가이드, 오락분야, 행사연출가, 인테리어, 조경분야, 상품 디자인, 인테리어,가구디자인, 요식업, PC방, 엔터테인먼트 분야, 스포츠분야사업 등등
Matching work / Travel guide
Restaurant guide, entertainment field, event director, interior, landscape field, product design, interior, furniture design, restaurant business, PC room, entertainment field, sports field business, etc.